Watch Karim and Fatma Episode 48 Online Without Download

Arabic Turkish Series Karim and Fatma Episode 48 in Arabic. There are now many followers of this series and the new thing that there are also many followers to Fatma series who do not like the Turkish series. This mean that Fatima series actually was able to influence the viewers and make them sympathetic to the issue of the series.

As for the recent events in the series Karim tries to make Fatma loves him by giving her ring as a gift but she refused to wear it because she did not forget what happened in the past. Fatima decides to come down to work and rely on herself to overcome what happened to her and that was welcomed a lot by Mariam. Maram now looking for the truth. she wanted to know if Seleim is invloved in the rape of Fatima or not? And she learned that Mostafa is a former of Fatima.

Watch Karim and Fatma Episode 47 Online Without Download

Arabic Turkish SeriesKarim and Fatma Episode 47 in Arabic. Fatma series was able in such a short period to obtain a large number of fans in many Arab countries and managed to influence many viewers. There are those who believe that Karim is guilty and must be punished and there are those who believe that what happened to Karim is a moment of weakness and he is now trying to fix his mistake.

 As for the recent events Mostafa have felt what he did to Fatima and he knew that he lost Fatma when he accused her and is now trying to return talk to her and make her understand the truth but it's too late as Fatma refused to talk to him. Mustafa went to the company of Rashdan and met with Rashad, Munir and Osman and asked to take more money. 
Karim Gave Fatma a wedding ring, but she refused to wear it in reference to that she still has not forgotten what happened to her in the past and she told the family she will not be a victim of the events and will depend on herself and will look for work which welcomed by Mariam a lot. Maram is still trying to know the truth of Fatma rape incident and truth about involvement of her husband Seleim.

Watch Karim and Fatma Episode 46 Online Without Download

Arabic Turkish SeriesKarim and Fatma Episode 46 in Arabic. Recent events of the series, Fatima decided to surpass what had happened to her and decided to go beyond the interview which took place between her and Mustafa where Mostafa tried to justify what happened to them. Fatma told Mariam that she is stronger than all of these events, Karim became happy after he knew that Fatima asked Mustafa to go before he comes cream so as to avoid any big problem.

As for the events of the previous episode of the series Karim was happy to see Fatma  throwing the tissue received from Mostafa in the lake which pleased him a lot, but he still wants Fatma to love him. While Mariam went to Rashadan and warned him of the prejudice of the family. She told him that she knew everything and was surprised with the existence of Mustafa there.

Watch Karim and Fatma Episode 45 Online Without Download

Arabic Turkish Series Karim and Fatma Episode 45. Seems that Karim felt guilty about what hapened to Fatma and can not stay away from her. This is what appeared in the last episodes where he refused to divorce her as promised because he loves her and also he refused to travel and leaves her alone Fatma began to gravitate to him a little after recent events after she discovered wickedness of Mostafa her former fiance who left her for money given to him by  Rashdan and Osman. Karim went to face Osman alone and faced also Mustafa and told him the truth and that made Mostafa feel guilty about what he did to Fatma. Mostafa went to her and tried to justify his attitude toward what he did, but she did not respond to him and told him she discovered the truth and asked him to leave place and not to come and see her again.

And for the events of the 44 Mostafa went to Fatma and tried to interview her. Fatma was angry and told him to go before Karim comes.

Watch Karim and Fatma Episode 44 Online Without Download

Arabic Turkish Series Karim and Fatma Episode 44. It seems that Fatma start to like and lvoe Karim despite what he did in front of the beach because of recent events and confrontations that occurred between Karim and Mostafa and Osman.
Fatma called Maram where she told her that her husband is the one who has raped her. Osman was angry and went to attack Krim and Fatma then Karim went to him for revenge, but he was surprised by Mostafa who was carrying a gun. Karim told Mostafa the whole truth that Osman and Seliem had raped Fatma so Mostafa went to Osman and tried to kill him.

Mustafa went to Fatima in front of her house and tried to justify his position  and why he left her and told her that he didn't not know the truth and he knew the story quite differently, but Fatima did not deal with him and expelled him and told him that the Karim better than him because he defended her while  Mustafa, left  her in the first difficult position.

Watch Karim and Fatma Episode 43 Online Without Download

Arabic Turkish Series Karim and Fatma Episode 43 in arabic. Fatima series events became hotter and hotter after more than 40 episodes. It looks like Rashdan family everyone will know that the family covered up the crime by the Fatima. Fatima called Maram and told her that Osman is the one who raped her and which because of this, Maraam refused to travel with Osman. Karim then went to Osman to get back at him because of what he did, but he  faced Mostafa and told him the truth is that Fatima have no role in what is happening and that Osman raped her.

Watch Karim and Fatma Episode 42 Online Without Download

Arabic Turkish Series Karim and Fatma Episode 42 in arabic. It seems that events in the way of change to Karim, although last episodes caused a lot of damage to him but it seems that his goal is to make Fatima love him will be achieved after Osman sent some men to beat him and he was beaten. Fatima was afraid a lot, but she tried to hide it but it seems that the trouble would hunt down Fatima and Karim from Rashdan family because Osman broke into the house of Fatima and threatened to kill her if she talked again to Maram, Maram refused travel with Osman and asked for a divorce because Fatima told her that Osman had participated in the rape. As for Karim he decided to take revenge of Uthman went to him, but he was surprised to see his driver Mosstafa Fatma old Boy Friend, who took out his pistol and pointed it to Karim. Karim Told Mostafa the truth.
The events of episode 41 of series Fatima Arabic Karim went to the house of Osman, but he found Mustafa there Karim explained Mostafa the whole truth and told him that Fatima is the victim of the Rashdan Rashdan Family, who raised and went to the company where everyone is there and attacked them, but they ​​controled him and took him to another room.

Watch Karim and Fatma Episode 40 Online Without Download

Arabic Turkish Series Karim and Fatma Episode 40 in arabic. Today was the last date for the vote on the best Turkish series introduced in the last period. It was done by million people in Turkey and Fatma series has received the largest number of votes and has won Champions series award for best actor and actress and came after series Fatima series forbidden love which was introduced earlier in the vote and this proves the sensitivity of the issue of the community. Although the series is not complete yet but currently it could be the first among all Turkish TV displayed.

As for the events of the previous episode 39 series of Fatima Mdbalij in Arabic. Fatma called Maram and told her that Seleim was one of those who raped her which made Maram changed suddenly and was so sad. Osman was angry becaose of what Fatma did and decieded to send some people to beat Karim who was beaten very hard and also Osman warned Fatma of repeating this again. Rushdan trying to convince Maram by telling her Fatma is lying and that Seleim didn't rape.

Watch Karim and Fatma Episode 41 Online Without Download

Arabic Turkish Series Karim and Fatma Episode 41. First scene in today's episode of the series Fatima Karim and Mustafa face to face. Karim will tell Mostafa the truth watch full video below.
The events of the series Fatima became very exciting and this is what can be found from the comments on facebook and twiter, which comes because Karim finally won the admiration of  fatma the first sympathetic to the Fatima with Karim that came after the real threat to the life of Fatima because of what happened in Seleim Wedding. It's one of the best episodes in the series of Fatima and people can't wait for the Fatima episode 41.

And for the events of the previous episode the 40 where Karim has decided to take revenge of Osman and so decided to go to his house, but he met Mustafa who put the gun in the face of karim. Maram completely refused to travel for her honeymoon with Selim after she knew that he was involved in the rape of Fatima and asked him for a divorce.

Watch Karim and Fatma Episode 17 Online Without Download

Arabic Turkish Series Karim and Fatma Episode 17. Fatima series discusses an important issue which is the negative effects experienced by the girl fatma who was raped. It also look at society and its pressures on what happened to her. Her brother agreed to the marriage of his sister Fatima to Karim, although he was one of those who raped her.

As for the recent events in the series so far Mustafa decided after working in the company of Rashdan to take revenge from Karim who is badly treated by Fatma because he was among those who raped her in front of the beach.

Watch Karim and Fatma Episode 16 Online Without Download

Arabic Turkish Series Karim and Fatma Episode 16. Fatima series is different from many of the Turkish series. It discusses the issue and tells an exciting story of how to overcome the crisis. We will know in the rest of the episodes how Fatma will overcome what happened to her in the first episodes of the series.

Recent events in the series Mostafa traveled away from the country and he is looking for a new job to forget what happened to him and his fiancée fatma. Former Fatima has got a job in the company Rashdan and decided to take revenge from Karim because of what he did to Fatima. Fatma continue treatment Karim in a very bad way.

Watch Karim and Fatma Episode 15 Online Without Download

Arabic Turkish Series Karim and Fatma Episode 15 in arabic. We'll show you today episode 15 of the series since Fatma married Karim after pressure by the fear of shame, which will be attached to the family if they spread the news about the rape. She is treating Karim very bad because he was one of those who raped her and refuses to just talk to him and had tried before suicide attempt and also tried to kill karim. Mostafa has left the country in an attempt to forget what happened to Fatima because he was very shocked after learning that Fatima married Karim.

Watch Karim and Fatma Episode 14 Online Without Download

Arabic Turkish Series Karim and Fatma Episode 14 in arabic. Events are still against Fatma, where all dreams suddenly turned into a nightmare where Mustafa left because of his fear of shame and she married Kaim who raped her for fear of shame. Will Fatima stand in front of all these shocks, or whether it would not be able to stand in the face of these problems?

As for the events of the previous episode of the series since the 13 series of Fatima Arabic Mostafa decided to travel and leave the country in an attempt to forget what happened while the family of Fatma arrived to the house in which she lives with her husband Karim. She is still treating him very bad and refusing to talk to him.

Watch Karim and Fatma Episode 13 Online Without Download

Arabic Turkish Series Karim and Fatma Episode 13 in arabic. Recent events in the series since episode 12 of the serial Turkish Fatma. Karim tried to talk with Fatima and she refuses to just deal with him and she is treating him very bad because she considers him one of those who raped her while family of Rashad are in big trouble after newspapers published news of the involvement of one the family in rape incident.

Watch Karim and Fatma Episode 12 Online Without Download

Arabic Turkish Series Karim and Fatma Episode 12 in arabic. Fatima received lot of strikes and shocks in the first episodes of the serial Turkish Fatima, but the big strike as the viewers of series Fatima said is her fiance Mostafa when he left after the rape incident. Everyone thought Mustafa is the only one who will defend them, but he left after they convince him that the marriage of them would be a shame for life.

As for the events of episode yesterday, the 11 series Fatma tried to kill Karim but he woke up and survived from attempt to kill him and tried to convince her that he was not involved in the rape, but she threatened him with death if he doesn't remain silent while the news spread involvement Rashdan in the rape incident, raising the talks in the country around Rashdan Family.

Watch Karim and Fatma Episode 11 Online Without Download

Arabic Turkish Series Karim and Fatma Episode 11 in arabic. It seems that the series Fatima will occupy a very good place among the series of Turkey in the Arab region as this series is different from the other trukish series. Many viewers are waiting to see what will happen to Fatma.

As for the latest serial Turkish Fatima previous episode the tenth series so bad and all against Fatima as she agreed under pressure to marry Karim although he was one of those who raped her. She accepted to marry him but she refused to stay with him in one room, but he designed and they escaped together after death threat from Mostafa to them. Mostafa has burned Karim house as well.

Watch Karim and Fatma Episode 10 Online Without Download

Arabic Turkish Series Karim and Fatma Episode 10 in arabic. Fatma the series won in the first days of the Show episodes on TV Arab admiration of many viewers for the suffering of the girl.

As for the events of the previous episode of the series since the ninth episode of Fatima, Fatima was forced to marry Karim and Karim is one of those who were present in the rape incident. They did this to cover up the incident and Mostafa was shocked when he knew about that marriage.

Watch Karim and Fatma Episode 9 Online Without Download

Arabic Turkish Series Karim and Fatma Episode 9 in arabic. And before displaying the recent events of the series we'll show you Fatima News after the first week of the series, it received  a lot of viewers in the Arab region and there seems to be very sympathetic with this issue, as happened in Turkey.

As for the events of the series Fatima previous episode. The police arrested Karim who was there when Fatma was raped on the beach and regrets what happened. Fatima rescued karim from the hands of the police after she refused to recognize him and tried to commit suicide again because she can not accept the marriage of karim, but she accepted because of the pressure from her family.

Watch Karim and Fatma Episode 8 Online Without Download

Arabic Turkish Series Karim and Fatma Episode 8 in arabic. The events of the seventh series of Fatima is not good to Fatma, where she tried to commit suicide after seeing Mustafa burn the home he bought for her, Karim by chance saw her and rescued her. Wife her brother doing a lot of pressure to make Fatima agree the marriage of  Karim and not to tell police about the other people who raped her.

Watch Karim and Fatma Episode 7 Online Without Download

Arabic Turkish Series Karim and Fatma Episode 7 in arabic for free. It seems that Fatima would not only suffer from the rape, but it seems her family will be forced to agree to marry Karim who did rape her with his friends so shame won't be attached to the family because of what happened to her in front of the beach in the third episode of the series and while the police were able to reach one of those who made this crime, they continue to search for the remaining two.

Watch Karim and Fatma Episode 6 Online Without Download

Arabic Turkish Series Karim and Fatma Episode 6. Today we will continue what happened in the fifth episode of the series Fatima, where the police are now in the searching for the criminals who raped Fatima in front of the beach. She is now lying in hospital suffering from the effects of the shock she sustained because of this terrible accident and her brother cries a lot because of that, and while his wife chides him because of the shame they will live with.

Watch Karim and Fatma Episode 5 Online Without Download

Arabic Turkish Series Karim and Fatma Episode 5. A new episode of the suffering experienced by Fatima after what happened to her in previous episodes, where she is in the hospital suffering from the impact shock because of what happened to her on the beach, while police are trying to Find people who raped Fatima Lam3y is crying strongly about what happened to his sister and his wife chides him a lot and confirms that they will live in shame because of what happened to his sister Fatima.

Watch Karim and Fatma Episode 4 Online Without Download

Arabic Turkish Series Karim and Fatma Episode 4. In today's episode of the serial Turkish seeing what happened to Fatima after these four wolves raped her on the beach and that is what happened in the third episode of the series Fatima was raped on the beach. Lam3y and Mostafa will search for Fatima everywhere at a time when she was receiving treatment because of what happened to her.

Watch Karim and Fatma Episode 3 Online Without Download

Arabic Turkish Series Karim and Fatma Episode 3. Today's episode in the series Fatima is a very important one, where you will be able to see the suffer of Fatma living with the wife of her brother. Also you will watch the rape of Fatima that will change her life upside down on the following episodes.

Watch Karim and Fatma Episode 2 Online Without Download

Arabic Turkish Series Karim and Fatma Episode 2. The events of episode one was that with the approach of the wedding of Fatima and her fiance hunter mostafa she was delight, but at the same time suffer from the cruelty of her brother wife Myasar which always give a very harsh words in all the time affecting her honor and making her angry. Mustafa has agreed with Fatma ​​brother on the details of the wedding despite the fact that his wife Myasar wants to delay the wedding.

Watch Karim and Fatma Episode 1 Online Without Download

Arabic Turkish Series Karim and Fatma Episode 1. Fatima Watch Episode 1 Online Fatma Series discuss the direct story of Fatima. Discuss the series gap in the existing legal system, Turkish law That allow the perpetrator of the crime of rape of uncontrollable punishment
If both parties agreed to the marriage and to end issue.

Watch Karim and Fatma Episode 39 Online Without Download

Arabic Turkish Series Karim and Fatma Episode 39in arabic. The events of the series of  Fatima we find that Fatima still does not consider any good action or move by Karim and she still does not remember anything good about Karim except his appearance in the scene rape on the beach with his friends and considered him guilty because he saw his friends and did not do anything. As for the previous episode 38 series of Fatima Mdbalij Arabic. Fatma forgotten everything Karim did last night where she asked Karim for divorce but Karim refused and told her she could not get the divorce without his approval.

Watch Karim and Fatma Episode 38 Online Without Download

Arabic Turkish Series Karim and Fatma Episode 38 in Arabic. There are those who try to anticipate the events of the last episode of the series Fatima where there are some who say that Fatma will love Karim and some said that they will divorce and marry again. Others have said the end will not be happy.

As for the events of the previous episode 37 series Fatima Mdbalij in Arabic Karim was able to find Fatima where he found her unconscious and he took to the house and bought a doctor. Fatma said that she discovered the reality of the relationship between the Nour and Mustafa. Myasar told Fatma that that Mostafa betrayed her andso Fatma collapsed and decided to get rid of the old wedding dress. The Murad went to Nour place and asked her about the reason for trying to get close to Fatma and Karim.

Watch Karim and Fatma Episode 37 Online Without Download

Arabic Turkish Series Karim and Fatma Episode 37 in arabic. Karim knew Fatma place and was able to reach her but Fatima left Noor place after she discovered what she is doing. Fatm knew that Nour from Osman side. Fatma left the house and she doesn't know where to go now. She called her family and had a tough call with Mysar.

Watch Karim and Fatma Episode 36 Online Without Download

Arabic Turkish Series Karim and Fatma Episode 36 in arabic. Many of the Egyptian press says that the series of Fatima was able to attract the hearts and minds of many Egyptians of different age groups. They said that this series saved the Egyptians from talk shows programs that recently spread and become broadcast simultaneously on all channels.

As for the events of the previous episode episode 35 Fatima series Mdbalij in Arabic. Karim was able to find the address where Fatma after she left home but he was shocked after learning that the area that Fatima live in now is a suspicious area in Nourhan house. Karim wanted to save her from this difficult environment and so told the police, but he went there when he discovered that Fatima left home.

Watch Karim and Fatma Episode 35 Online Without Download

Arabic Turkish Series Karim and Fatma Episode 35 in Arabic. Egyptian newspapers published a news about this series Fatima that the series saved the Egyptians from talk show programs. Before viewing the series of Fatima, many Egyptians were following all talk show programs daily but since the introduction of the series, the percentage of Fatima seen confirms that this series was able to impress the viewers of the Egyptians from different age stages.

And for the events of the previous episode 34 series Fatima Mdbalij  in Arabic. Karim has tried to talk with Fatma and she told him that he is the reason why she left the house as she does not want to live with him because she considers him from the people who raped her and she closed the phone in his face. Karim cried after hearing what Fatma said. Fatma now lives with Nour (Mostafa Girl Friend).

Watch Karim and Fatma Episode 34 Online Without Download

Arabic Turkish Series Karim and Fatma Episode 34 in arabic. Series of Fatima is still placed the highest in the search engines where it was broadcasted and it's the first in the search engines.

As for the events of the previous episode of Fatima 33 Mdbalij in Arabic Fatma has escaped and left the house immediately after learning that Karim knew that she read te ltter he left for her before traveling. Fatima Family were able to know the person which Fatma livs with (Nour). They called Nour but she said she didn't see Fatma. Myasar asked Lam3y to call Nour again and he cried and begged Nour to tell them the truth so Fatma took the phone and talked with Lam3y and told him that she will never return to the house and when Karim tried to talk to her, she ended the call.

Watch Karim and Fatma Episode 33 Online Without Download

Arabic Turkish Series Karim and Fatma Episode 33 in arabic. Events of the previous episode episode 32 of series Fatma Mdbalij in Arabic. Karim was able for the first time to deal better with Fatma where he was able to dance with her in New Year Concert but an event has marred the event which is that Fatima has discovered that someone has read the papers (letters) she left on her bed. Karim knew that Fatima had read the paper he left to her before leaving and so Fatma left the house and and Karim and Mariam informed the police to search for Fatima.

Watch Karim and Fatma Episode 32 Online Without Download

Arabic Turkish Series Karim and Fatma Episode 32 in Arabic. The events of the previous episode of the series 31 Fatima Mdbalij Arabic. Karim has decided to change the way he tries to get close to Fatima because he found that Fatima does not want to talk to him and therefore took advantage of New Year's Concert and presented a gift to Fatma through Mariam. Mostafa discovered that there is a relationship between Karim and Osman.
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