Karim and Fatma Episode 14 in arabic. EventsarestillagainstFatma, where alldreamssuddenlyturnedinto a nightmarewhereMustafaleftbecause ofhis fear ofshameand shemarriedKaim who raped her for fearofshame. Will Fatimastandin front ofall theseshocks,or whether itwould not be ableto standin the face ofthese problems?
As for theevents ofthe previous episodeofthe series sincethe 13series ofFatimaArabic Mostafadecided to travelandleave the countryinan attempt toforget whathappenedwhile thefamily of Fatma arrivedto the housein which she liveswith her husband Karim. She is still treating him very bad and refusing to talk to him.