Karim and Fatma Episode 12 in arabic. Fatima received lot ofstrikesandshocksin thefirst episodesof the serialTurkishFatima, but the big strikeas theviewersof seriesFatima said is her fianceMostafawhen heleftafter therape incident. Everyone thought Mustafais the only onewhowill defendthem, but he left after theyconvince himthat the marriageof them would bea shamefor life.
As for theevents ofepisodeyesterday,the 11series Fatma tried tokillKarim but he woke upandsurvived from attemptto kill himand tried to convince her that hewas not involvedin therape, but she threatened himwith deathif he doesn't remain silentwhile thenews spreadinvolvementRashdanintherapeincident, raisingthe talks in the country around Rashdan Family.