Karim and Fatma Episode 24 in Arabic. Manyin the Arab regioninterested inwatchingthe seriesFatma but this serieshas aspecial interestinMoroccobecause itlooks the same aswhat happened in thecase ofrape of a girl 16 years in Morocco. This girl hascommitted suicideafter beingraped. Moroccan newspapersthereforeconsideredthis seriesas avisibleexampleofhow to handlethis kindof issues.
As for theevents ofthe 23series ofFatima. Fatma entered Karim roomand saw thepicturesbutKarim came andsurprised her so shewent outand she said he she entered roomto make sureofthe seriousness ofhis intentionto travelandleave themwhileMariamencourages Fatma to continue studyandbrought herthe informationandpaperworkforthe study.