Karim and Fatma Episode 22 in Arabic. Fatma Series havewonadmiration of viewers because the events isrealisticand he strangeis theadmiration ofsomepeople toKarimalthoughhedid not participatein therape ofFatima and he wasable topreventhis friendsfrom doing so but he did not doandso he is invloved inthis crimeand a lotof followersofthe series waiting forfinalepisodeto see whatwill happen to Seleim, Murad and Osman who rapedFatima.
KarimtookFatima and forced her to a rideina boatand wentawayand triedoutvarious waysto convince herthat hedid not participatein therapeandadmittedhis mistakethat hedid not stophis friendsrape her but Fatmasaidto him thatwhat they didruined her lifeandstoleher dreamsand asked Karim toreturnherto the house, Karimdecided tostay away from her and hemetby chanceMostafa, who was alsointended totravel, but Mustafadid not recognize him.